Palliative Care Academy

Learning & Development

Learning and development have always been at the heart of what we do here at Hospice.

All of our education and training is co-ordinated and delivered by our Palliative Care Academy.

We are committed to providing the very best support for our staff and those people who deliver end of life care across the island, so we train our own teams as well as other professionals who want to learn from us.

This is what we call Hospice Influenced Care.

We provide evidence-based training on a wide range of topics to build confidence and competence of those people who are supporting patients, families and carers who have a life-limiting condition.

It's so important to us that we have built it into our Hospice Strategy:

What you told us:

What matters to you is choice, in both where you live and where you die, and having access to our care regardless of where that is, when you need it.

We can best serve the Isle of Man by training other health care partners, residential care providers and members of our community so that they are equipped to deliver 'Hospice Influenced Care' in any setting.

What we will do 3

You will find full course outlines and booking details here on our website.

Innovation is a key part of everything we do. At its foundation it means that we continually improve the care we provide to individuals and those who matter to them.

During 2020 COVID-19 has fast-tracked some of our innovation plans. We call this 'Forced Innovation' and we are positively embracing these opportunities to improve our care.

We have been holding Fatigue & Breathlessness (FAB) sessions which we have been delivering using Zoom rather than face-to-face and we are currently evaluating the success of this initiative.

However, more than this, we have aspirations to be at the forefront of clinical innovation.

Learn more about the Palliative Care Academy:

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