We recently learnt of a lovely story about our Hospice Shops Isle of Man that we just had to share - Hospice truly is a charity that connects with everyone! This story is one about John and Freda Dennis.
John and Freda Dennis moved to The Isle of Man in 1978 with their children Edward and Belinda, followed shortly after by Freda’s Mother Mona Firth, living in Castletown.
With their friends, both Manx and UK, it was not long before they came to the attention of the people looking to set up a Hospice on the Island, especially Nadene Crowther. As John had been working in sales and marketing before retirement, he was considered the ideal person to promote the idea and then the methods by which the funds could be raised firstly to create a hospice and then to fund it on a sustainable, long-term basis. John, who was always up for a challenge, did not have to be asked twice.
As a member of the Board of Directors he was part of the team that created what is here today. John was the instigator for the Hospice Shops (Share the Care), the first being on Bucks Road in 1989, others were soon to follow. With the opening of the shops Freda came into her own, initially working behind the scenes volunteering and fundraising and then as the Manager of the Castletown shop. Living only 200 yards away, she was able to walk into town and would open the shop if Castletown was full. She continued in this role until the shops were reorganized with a centralized shop manager. John resigned from the board when his task had been completed, he then concentrated on fundraising events and activities.
Their work was recognized, not only by hospice itself, but also with a visit from The Duchess of Kent and with Freda being invited to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen on 2nd June 2003 to receive The Queen’s Golden Jubilee Award for voluntary service by groups in the community.
John worked with Hospice until 2008 when ill health forced him to stand down. He passed away in March 2010. Likewise, Freda continued helping until ill health stopped her in 2005 and she passed away in February 2020.
Now the Dennis connection is to continue. Dawn Dennis, Edward Dennis’s (son of John and Freda) wife is a volunteer at Castletown Shop and Port Erin Shop starting from 2024. Edward is also always willing to help out with moving furniture and putting up signs or even fixing broken shelving!
What a wonderful story about the background of Hospice, and how it continues to this day within our Castletown Shop.