CEO Blog - January 2021

Dear valued supporter,

2020 was a year like no other, and as we step in 2021 I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of everyone at Hospice Isle of Man and Rebecca House to thank you for your support, generosity and belief in us throughout the past year. Your support going forward is invaluable to us as you help us to continue to provide our services for those who need End of Life Care.


Like so many other countries we once again faced the challenges of COVID-19 on our island. I am truly grateful to our fantastic Hospice team who much like lockdown of spring 2020, rose to the challenge to continue to provide much needed End of Life Care.

As always, Hospice remains committed to providing the best quality End of Life Care to the people of our island who are living with a terminal or life-limiting condition. We have taken steps to ensure we continue to provide our services and support whilst protecting our community. We will start to open up our services once again for both the public and health professionals and these are signposted on our website.
In light of this latest threat from Covid-19, I would like to thank you, our incredible supporters for your continuous generosity and belief in our Island Hospice.

Crucially we are dependent on the people of our island and need your help more than ever to ensure that we can continue to offer our services free of charge to our patients, their families and carers. Each year we need to fundraise over £5 million towards our running costs to do this.

There are also many other ways you can support us. Whether it be by setting up a regular donation, remembering us in your will, or call for a chat to see how you can support our team. I am grateful for any support you are able to give your Island Hospice, and would like to thank you in advance for helping us continue making a life-changing difference, particularly during these challenging times.


Best wishes,

Anne Mills
Chief Executive

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