Compassionate Isle of Man Back Home Boxes to be adopted by Isle of Man Foodbank

Commencing Tuesday 4th May Compassionate Isle of Man is handing over the Back Home Box project to the Isle of Man Foodbank, a natural process that fits within the ethos of the Foodbank.
Established 18 months ago, the Back Home Box project has been operated by Compassionate Isle of Man with the vision that no-one should be discharged from Nobles Hospital, Hospice or Mental Health services to their home without the basic necessities to tide them over for the first 24hours.
Since the scheme began more than 200 people have benefited from the boxes.
Being admitted to a ward for either elective surgery or as an emergency admission can be a traumatic experience in itself – but not being able to plan for your discharge home, can, in some cases, be an added burden.
The Back Home Box is a box of essential, non-perishable groceries for people who live alone and are returning home following a period of time in hospital / Hospice.
We would like to thank everyone who has been involved with the project so far. We have received incredible support through the Co-op, schools, community groups (providing much needed blankets), TESCO and the general public who have enabled people living alone to be at the heart of the community. We hope all who receive a Back Home Box will continue to feel the love and kindness that has gone into making their return home that much easier.
Contact details for the Foodbank:
Tel: (01624) 646999
Mob: (07624) 311550
Free Phone: 0808 1624 610
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