Festival of Research

Scholl Academic Centre attends

The Scholl Academic Centre research team were invited to showcase some of their projects at the Festival of Research at UCM Nunnery campus on 19th July.


The team displayed a number of posters, articles and findings from various conferences that they had attended and presented at over the past 18 months relating to palliative and end of life care, which gained plenty of attention from other attendees at the festival, who stopped to read, discuss and query the findings.


A number of people also took the time to read some of the Biographies of the Scholl Academic Centre staff that were rolling on a TV screen, which in turn helped spread awareness of our SAC and its purpose.


Director of Research Professor Sarah McGhee and CEO Anne Mills attended presentations and sessions at the festival, networking with others involved with Research on the Isle of Man. All in all this was a brilliant event to not only attend, but to be a part of and the team look forward to attending the next one.


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