Sandra Bearman as new Day Unit Lead

Huge congratulations to Sandra Bearman who has now been appointed as the Lead of the Day Unit.

Sandra has been with us here at Hospice for over 15 years, has contributed to various areas through her different roles, and is now looking forward to being based in the Day Unit. Our Day Unit is now kindly being funded by The Hemmings Foundation for the next year. This is great news for our patients who enjoy coming to our sessions on a weekly basis.

A lovely comment from Bill Smith, one of our Day Unit patients; "Drop In has helped me as the group are all recovering from various problems many similar to mine. There’s no formality at the sessions, just chatting and visiting speakers. I now know I can relax and speak freely during the sessions. They have also been great for me as it gets me out of the house, and I can discuss any problems with the staff and volunteers. I would definitely recommend these sessions to anyone that is in a similar position to myself."

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