Record Breaking Total Raised!

Each year we are delighted to provide our real Christmas tree collection & recycling service across the Island, to help raise vital funds.

This year the recycling service had its busiest year to date, with over 720 trees collected, 7250kg of trees shredded by Tels and a record breaking £13,200 has been raised!

Anne Mills, CEO of Hospice Isle of Man, expressed “COVID-19 has affected all our lives and work throughout the last year in many different ways and especially for us here on the Island during the three lockdowns we have experienced. Our team pulled together to get us through and ensured we could continue to deliver services to our patients. Without the funds raised from initiatives such as our Christmas Tree Recycling service, we wouldn’t be able to provide the specialist palliative care that we do, and we are truly grateful to everyone for their enduring commitment and belief in Hospice Isle of Man.”

All our are provided totally free of charge to patients and their families, and the money raised from the Christmas Tree Recycling Service enables us to continue our important work in helping the community. It costs over £10,000 to provide one place in our in-patient unit for a month and £3,000 to provide 150 hours of care from one of our incredible registered nurses. The money raised from Hospice events such as this, really does make a significant difference.

This award winning initiative is a fantastic partnership between us, the Isle of Man Post Office, Tel’s Skips and Ballaneven Compost, which has been of a huge benefit to us. The Isle of Man Post Office plans the collection routes and provides a willing group of volunteers to drive around in Post Office vans to collect the trees. The trees are then taken to Tel’s Ltd where they are put through the shredder. Finally the shredded trees get passed to Ballaneven who turn them into compost, some of which is then used in the beautiful Hospice gardens.

Noel Travis, Operations Manager at Isle of Man Post Office said “This is our fifth year that members of staff and friends of IOMPO have helped raise money for this excellent local charity. Once again people have happily given up their own time to come along and be part of this, without them this simply doesn't work. We are delighted that every year we have raised more and more money and this year’s total was particularly pleasing. I cannot thank those involved enough and they should be very proud of what they have achieved”.

Tel’s Skips are also very proud to have been a significant part of the Christmas Tree Recycling Service once again “All the Staff and Management at Tel’s Ltd would like to congratulate Hospice Isle of Man on their Christmas Tree Recycling Project, along with our Team, Isle of Man Post Office and Ballaneven Compost Ltd staff who gave their free time to help with what has now become an annual event.”

Thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout our 2021 Recycling Service, here's to 2022!

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