Warden's Walk Number 4 - The Sloc

This coming weekend the hikers for the Diana Hospice at Home palliative nurses will be walking the Sloc. This is the fourth in the series of thirteen Warden’s Walks, all to seldom visited parts of the Isle of Man.

Like all the Warden’s Walks, the views of the island are stupendous. Starting at the big bend on the Sloc, the route goes south - and up - but before descending to Fleshwick Bay cuts to the east and then returns via the Greenway. At 5 kilometers, the walk should take between 1.5 and 2 hours.

The walking map for the Sloc, including grid references can be found on the IOM DEFA website – simply search for Forestry Warden’s Walks/Sloc.

The Warden’s Walks have now raised more than £2,000 (target £10,000) which all goes towards funding the palliative nurses who assist patients who choose to die in their own homes.

Meet: Big Bend on the Sloc

Time :10am, Sunday 26 May

Leader: Elizabeth Lin

These walks are arranged by the Diana Princess of Wales Hospice Care at Home Trust. All walks are well recced ahead of time and are carefully guided to ensure that walkers young and old feel welcome, safe and won’t be left behind. And your dogs are welcome, too.

In addition we have the pleasure of the former Forestry Warden who pioneered these walks, Peter Knowles, walking with us who provides great natural history background to the walks.

As they are charity walks, please sign on at our Just Giving site, https://www.justgiving.com/page/wardenswalksdonate where you are invited to pay £15 for the walk. New walkers are invited to pay a sign on fee of £15, as well. Walkers can also access Just giving via the Hospice at Home website.

Come along, join the fun, see a new part of the island whilst helping to fund a wonderful, worthwhile cause.

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