21 Day Challenge

As the Isle of Man comes out of its second lockdown, there is no better time to kick start your 2021 (again) with a fundraising challenge!

Sign up for our 21 Day Challenge in February and take on a daily challenge for 21 days. It can be something you love, something that really pushes your boundaries or just something completely new.

You could visit 21 Manx scenic spots or learn 21 new Manx words in 21 days to finally tick off those personal goals. Or how about refocusing your wellbeing with daily yoga or running 1, 5 or 10 miles every day, to kick start that 2021 training plan. Whatever you choose it’s entirely up to you! It’s your challenge, your way!

Dust off those lockdown cobwebs, re-energise for the year ahead and help make a real positive difference by supporting your Hospice Isle of Man. Throughout lockdown Hospice has been continuing to support those in our community with life-limiting or terminal illness. We continue to need your support to keep providing our services FREE OF CHARGE to anyone who needs them when they need them.

Good luck with your challenge!


How it works

  • Sign up and make your £21 donation or pledge to fundraising to support Hospice Isle of Man.
  • Choose your 21 day challenge and sign up throughout February. 
  • Continue fundraising throughout your challenge. If you feel able to fundraise, you can create your own JustGiving page and link it to our 21 Day Challenge page. You can then share this with friends and family to help raise as much as you can.
  • Share your challenge progress with us on social media using the #MyHospice21 and be inspired by seeing what others are up to.
  • Receive your certificate & invite to our Hospice thank you event and celebrate completing your 21 Day Challenge.


Please make sure to read our Terms & Conditions before registering.

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